About Us
Visi :
MITRA INTI ELEKTRINDO ikut serta membangun negara melalui peran serta aktif dalam bidang jasa konstruksi khususnya yang berhubungan dengan mekanikal, elektrikal dan elektronik konstruksi.
PT Mitra Inti Elektrindo will contribute towards building country through participating in construction services industry especially to the mechanical, electrical, and electronic installations in a building.
Misi :
MITRA INTI ELEKTRINDO bersama karyawan, supplier dan pemberi tugas menghasilkan pekerjaan dengan kualitas terbaik, harga yang kompetitif dan tepat waktu untuk mencapai kepuasan pelanggan.
Misi tersebut terangkum dalam filosofi perusahaan kami, yakni “Kebersamaan Menuju Keberhasilan” (Together for Success).
PT Mitra Inti Elektrindo will work together closely with owners, consultants, and suppliers to provide a great service in the construction industry with competitive price and on time schedule in order to satisfy our clients.
Ruang Lingkup Pekerjaan :
Mekanikal :
Sistem Tata Udara (Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning) :
Desain, Kontruksi, Service Maintenance dan Spare part.
Kategori penggunaan :
- HVAC Clean Room (Hospital : Ruang Operasi, Lab, dll )
- AC Residential
- AC Comercial
- AC Multi Split
Brand Produk : Samsung, AL-KO (clean room)
- Sistem Tata Udara
- Sistem Air Bersih
- Sistem Air Kotor
- Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran
Elektrikal :
- Sistem Distribusi Daya Tegangan Menengah
- Sistem Transformator
- Sistem Distribusi Daya Tegangan Rendah
- Sistem Genset dan AMF
- Sistem Penerangan Jalan Umum
- Sistem Penangkal Petir
Elektronik :
- Sistem Automatis Gedung (BAS)
- Sistem Fire Alarm
- Sistem Security
- Sistem Tata Suara
- Sistem Komunikasi Data dan Suara
- Sistem MATV
- Sistem Akses Kontrol
Transportasi Gedung :
Sistem Instalasi dan Maintenance Lift / Elevator (passenger, pasien dan barang), Escalator &
Brand :
Suplier Equipment Material & Spare part :
- Mekanikal
- Escalator
- Electrical
- Lifting machine/mobile
- Electronic
- Pengolahan air bersih
- Plumbing
- Air minum dan air kotor
- Pump
- Blower
- Automatic bar screen
- Mesin cuci
- Dryer
System Instalasi & Maintenance Medical gas Hospital
System Instalasi & Maintenance Nurse Call Hopsital.
System Instalasi & maintenance Pengolahan air bersih, bekas dan Limbah
System instalasi & maintenance Alat Kesehatan.
Our Work Scopes
- MVAC system
- Plumbing system
- Sewage system
- Fire Fighting system
- Medium Voltage Distribution system
- Transformer system
- Low Voltage Distribution System
- Electrical Generator and Automatic Mains Failure system
- Street light system
- Lightning ground system
- Building Automation System (BAS)
- Fire Alarm System
- Security System
- Sound System
- Sound Data Communication System
- Master Antenna Television (MATV) System
- Access Control System